WaterLIFE is a three year project, funded through the EU’s LIFE+ Programme for the Environment, being implemented by WWF-UK, The Rivers Trust and the Westcountry Rivers Trust.
Rivers really are the lifeblood of the country and yet, throughout Europe, they are under threat from many pressures, including over-abstraction, pollution and human modification. They make up part of our natural capital and, as the Natural Capital Committee has concluded, if economic growth is to be sustained then this natural capital has to be safeguarded.
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires member states to look at the health of the whole ecosystem, and governments to work with communities and companies to develop and deliver River Basin Management Plans. The fundamental objective of the Directive is to protect, enhance and restore all of Europe’s waters, with the aim of achieving Good status throughout. However, the threats they face can’t be solved by one organisation alone; communities, business and government need to work together to tackle them effectively.
For successful WFD implementation, we must have the right conditions to deliver the step change that’s needed, as well as the means and opportunities to talk to each other, develop successful and innovative approaches, and share best practice.
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