This project has now closed – 4 April 2024

Discover more about all of the measures put in place to help prevent flooding in the area in the film below.

The St Austell Bay Resilient Regeneration (StARR) project aimed to reduce flood risk to communities living and working in the St Austell Bay area, particularly in Par and St. Blazey. St Austell Resilient Regeneration is part-funded by the European Regional
Development Fund.

Work will focus on the the whole of the Par River Catchment and will be delivered in partnership between Cornwall County Council, The Environment Agency, Westcountry Rivers Trust, South West Water, the University of Exeter and Cornwall Development Company.

Westcountry Rivers Trust’s role within the project has been to work with local communities in the upper catchment to develop and deliver Natural Flood Management solutions.

The project is received up to £7.8m of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.  Additional funding is being provided by a variety of sources including DEFRA Growth funds, Flood Defence Grant in Aid, South West Water and Cornwall Council.