This project has now closed
About Water For Growth (W4G)
Through Water for Growth, Westcountry Rivers Trust are working to improve stocks of migratory fish such as salmon and seatrout in the rivers Camel and Fowey.
Funded by the European Union Structural Development Fund and in partnership with the Environment Agency, Natural England, South West Water, we will look to;
- improve upstream and downstream fish passage
- improve in river and bankside habitat
- improve spawning habitats
- aim to increase numbers of juvenile salmon and seatrout
Watch our 2023 project celebration film.
River Camel Electrofishing Report 2020
Read the results of our electofishing surveys on the River Camel in 2020.
River Fowey Electrofishing Report 2020
Read the results of our electrofishing surveys from the River Fowey in 2020.
Read about some of completed work on barriers here
Updates on habitat work can be read here
Learn about or new angling app Fish Pass here
The project is about improving Cornwall’s ‘natural capital’ (the rivers and their associated plants and animals) and in return encourage and facilitate a responsible and sustainable exploitation of this natural capital in the form of angling.
Water for Growth News
The natural capital in Cornwall has been diminished by a wide range of factors including the construction of weirs, that can affect fish passage, and the loss of habitat; both of which are essential for migratory species such as salmon and seatrout. With stocks currently low, angling and the economic input that it brings to local enterprises has fallen.
We will assess and aim to improve major barriers to upstream and downstream fish migration, simultaneously providing a benefit to the native stocks of wild brown trout, eel, bullhead and brook lamprey which also need to move up and down the river. Alongside two hectares of in-stream habitat works, we aim to open up access to over 60 hectares of fish spawning area.
With an increase in populations of fish, the rivers will be able to support a greater amount of responsible angling. This improvement of Cornwall’s natural capital will bring economic benefits to many local enterprises and the wider community.
The project has received £1.6 million of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund. Established by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations. For more information visit

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