This study was initiated to address the perceived decline in adult trout numbers in Dartmoor streams. In this document we have explored the national importance of Dartmoor brown trout, their habitat and their conservation value. The state of trout stocks in the upper tributaries of the Dart are considered and habitat plus fish numbers reviewed. Through statistical analysis of the data collected in part of this work, correlations between habitat and fish numbers are made. Growth rates of Dartmoor brown trout are evaluated and compared to other rivers and historical data. A tagging study is undertaken to assess the extent of brown trout populations on Dartmoor and further studies initiated to this end. Possible causes for the perceived decrease in the number of adult brown trout in Dartmoor Rivers are identified. Recommendations are made for physical works on the Upper Cherry Brook to improve adult brown trout numbers. Finally, recommendations are made for further refinement of the management of brown trout stocks.
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