Here at Westcountry Rivers Trust, we are delighted to adopt and use the Monitoring Soil Carbon: a Practical Field, Farm and Lab Guide.

Developed with farmers for farmers and those interested in soil health, and produced as part of the Agri-Tech Cornwall funded Soil Carbon Project, this helpful guide is provided in an easily accessible format, from sampling of soils, soils health to ‘what next’, the document includes:

  1. Timing of taking soil samples
  2. Field selection
  3. Sampling within the fields selected
  4. Sampling at different depths
  5. Sampling frequency
  6. Sample collection and preparation
  7. Lab analysis
  8. Soil Health Indicators
  9. What next
  10. Further Reading

Simply click the link at the top of the page to find out more about how you can help your soils become more resilient.

Farm Net Zero

Find out more about our work in the Farm Net Zero project at