Our citizen scientists collected interesting data across 13 surveys for us on #WorldRiversDay – thanks to all who took part.
On the Par River, we saw some high phosphate readings (1000 ppb) – a normal phosphate range is 0-60 ppb. On a brighter note, there was also an otter sighting on the river.
The River Inny survey picked up sky high Total Dissolved Solids at 2389 ppm. Generally TDS range from 50 ppm on Dartmoor to around 300-400 ppm closer to the river mouth.
There are various reasons for high phosphates and TDS in rivers so its good to have this data as part of our on-going water quality monitoring.
In the run up to World Rivers Day, we received 38 surveys. This takes us to 620 for the year so far, which is mightily impressive given the COVID-19 circumstances.
We have big plans for the CSI scheme in the future – take a look at our Westcountry CSI – what the future holds presentation for more info.
You can find out how to help us help your rivers and streams across the Westcountry via our Get Involved page.
You can also join the Westcountry CSI community on Facebook too.