Riverfly is coming to Cornwall!

Riverfly is coming to Cornwall!

As part of the process of setting up a Riverfly Hub for Cornwall, Ben Fitch visited us to train WRT staff members to become Riverfly monitors. Some members of staff where further trained to become trainers, enabling the creation of a Cornwall based Riverfly Training...
Glass Eel Citizen Science Project

Glass Eel Citizen Science Project

  The eel is a critically endangered species, more endangered than the snow leopard and the tiger. Bristol is one of the leading European forces in saving the eel. As part of their ongoing commitments to deliver alternative measures under the National Environment...
Ecosystem Visualisation for Catchment Planning

Ecosystem Visualisation for Catchment Planning

The Westcountry Rivers Trust, in collaboration with DEFRA and the Rivers Trust, has developed a method for undertaking stakeholder-led spatial visualisation of ecosystem services provisioning areas across a catchment landscape. During this participatory process,...
A Fishy Tail from the Classroom

A Fishy Tail from the Classroom

Back in May, pupils at Culmstock Primary School in Devon welcomed some unusually fishy companions to their classroom and did their bit to help conserve one of the South West’s most iconic species of fish, the Atlantic salmon. The pupils took delivery of more than 100...