Copyright Statement & Protocol for Use: Please note this is a demonstration, proof of concept, version as the Platform is still under development. The Water Visions Visualisation Platform is a visualisation and communication platform collaboration amongst the Westcountry Rivers Trust, the Environment Agency and Plan Vision and should be referenced as:
The Water Visions Visualisation Platform (2023)
© 2023 All Rights Reserved Westcountry Rivers Trust, the Environment Agency and Plan Vision.
It may not be reproduced or used on a website, in part or whole.
Further it should be noted that the collaborative partners would not endorse or support its mis-interpretation beyond that as a set of hypothetical scenarios and synthesis of potential innovations for further analysis and deliberation. In no way do the scenarios or innovations represent a statement of intent for the partners.
Any views expressed in the work are for illustration or those of the authors only. They do not necessarily represent those of their organisations.