About Water Visions
Future Water Visions is a collaboration between Westcountry Rivers Trust, the Environment Agency and Plan Vision.
Our aim is to illustrate the ‘art of the possible’ and provide food for thought on how sustainable and regenerative water may look at the whole landscape scale as we transition away from an unsustainable present day.
The Future Water Visions Visualisation Platform presents an explorable and interactive set of illustrations of possible innovation and landscape futures. Each illustration is grounded in a comprehensive evidence synthesis, with real-world examples of ‘pockets of the future’ in the present.
The illustrations naturally go beyond water, interconnecting energy, waste, food, transport and a range of other features, systems, concepts and approaches from circularity to polycentric governance and personhood for the environment.
Delve into the Platform and see where your journey takes you…
Copyright Statement & Protocol for Use: Please note this is a demonstration, proof of concept, version as the Platform is still under development. The Water Visions Visualisation Platform is a visualisation and communication platform collaboration amongst the Westcountry Rivers Trust, the Environment Agency and Plan Vision and should be referenced as:
The Water Visions Visualisation Platform (2023) https://wrt.org.uk/project/water-visions/
© 2023 All Rights Reserved Westcountry Rivers Trust, the Environment Agency and Plan Vision.
It may not be reproduced or used on a website, in part or whole.
Further it should be noted that the collaborative partners would not endorse or support its mis-interpretation beyond that as a set of hypothetical scenarios and synthesis of potential innovations for further analysis and deliberation. In no way do the scenarios or innovations represent a statement of intent for the partners.
Any views expressed in the work are for illustration or those of the authors only. They do not necessarily represent those of their organisations.
More Info
These Water Visions have been designed by scientists for other scientists to use in deliberations about possible water futures, innovations and the kind of scientific collaborations that may be required in the future.
These visions are not designed to be commentaries on past or present policies and the visions do not advocate specific policy pathways. Instead these explore what landscapes may look like in the future.
The platform is an in-development proof-of-concept communication and deliberation tool for:
- Communicating examples of potential innovations from the scientific literature
- Sparking informed collaborative discussion about future innovation and potential in an English context.
- Sparking informed collaborative discussion about futures thinking (including the use of visioning) at both national generic and local place-based levels
- Acting as a collaborative framework to help collate further examples of potential innovations

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