WRT attended the second South West Invasive Species Forum on Monday, the start of National Non-Native Invasive Species week 2017. Nicola Morris, who runs the Student Non-Native Invasive Group SINNG, chaired the jam-packed day. The talks ranged from the latest research into biocontrols to a review of the floating pennywort situation in Cornwall as well as talks from various county-based INNS groups in between. Workshops created opportunities for discussion on the priority species of the south west and the local and national action that is required to tackle INNS.
We supported the first of a series of invasive species workshops being held by South West Water and South West Lakes Trust. This workshop for anglers focused on the presence of signal crayfish within the catchments of the south west. The evening included an extremely informative talk from Nicola Green on her research in the south west and what we can do about non-native crayfish populations.
Shona McCombie from WRT then spoke about the latest biosecurity methods and raised awareness of the Check Clean Dry campaign. An interesting discussion concluded the evening with actions being drawn up on how we can all best help to tackle INNS in the south west and beyond!
For more information on invasive species visit www.nonnativespecies.org/invasivespeciesweek – and if you want to get really into it, we can only recommend the biosecurity e-learning here: http://www.nonnativespecies.org/elearning/
Hi just wondering if I could have a chat about crayfish trapping of the nonnative species many thanks
Hello – I will pass your details on to our fisheries team. Best wishes, Josie.