The raingarden at Selworthy Special School is another exciting project that is being delivered at the moment. Here, the school got in touch with us after hearing about the project through the North Taunton Partnership. A site visit identified an area that was perfectly suited to capturing water off the paved area and so alleviating a flooding problem in the emergency access area. After a few events with the children at the school and a consultation with staff, we created a design that incorporated not only water storage, but also sensory elements, a viewing platform for the children and educational aspects. In a school like Selworthy, this means we are really adding an element of nature that will have numerous benefits to the learners and staff there and we are really proud of working with them. They’ve also said some lovely things about us: “Purple Class enjoyed this activity as there was a wide range of approaches and differentiated activities that appealed to our learners. We were all able to make choices in our own way through smell, touch and colour.” (Purple Class Team)