In June 1994, a group of individuals who cared about the state of our rivers initiated what we now know as the Westcountry Rivers Trust.

The trust has grown considerably since then, but our mission has remained the same – to bring rivers to life.

Covering four counties in the South West, from the furthest reaches of Cornwall, across Devon and into most of Somerset and west Dorset, our dedicated teams are raising awareness of river health and restoring our waterways across this geographical spread.

We have delivered many projects during this time, such as easing fish passage on the River Teign and the Exe to our Farm Net Zero project that helps people implement climate-friendly practices in their gardens and allotments.

This month, we’ve been celebrating our 30th anniversary and sharing stories from staff across our organisation about why they love rivers.

You may have seen them on our social channels – make sure to follow us – but we want to include some more here to inspire everyone to help care for our rivers, now and in future.

“I love rivers because, whether it’s fishing, walking or surveying, rivers provide a moment of peace and escape unlike any other.” – Tom Watts, SEW project Officer



“I love rivers because they are the life blood of our landscapes and icons of the world. They are a part of all our lives, cultures and environments, and an integral part of the human experience. Few things are more joyful than a hot summers day spent by and in the river.” –  Karen Saunders, Farm Advisor


Thank you to everyone who has supported our work over the past three decades, both directly and indirectly.

As long as the health of the region’s river habitats is under threat, we will be the boots on the ground or wellies in the water, working to improve and sustain them.

If you would like to contribute financially to our ongoing activities, please donate here:

Here’s to the next 30 years.