“This week I will have been working at the Trust for 11 years, and over that time not only has my role here changed – but the Trust itself has grown and transformed.”
I met the Trust initially as a student (mature student I should add.. have not aged quite that much!) and was a volunteer for a couple of summers helping out with electrofishing work while studying. I was lucky to then land a job within a month of completing my Science Degree and keen to get out with some practical hands-on delivery. At the time the Trust was based in Launceston and had a staff of about 12 people.
Since then my job has entailed a number of projects, activities and subjects; from Environmental Education, Invasive Species Control, Eel Research, delivery of Farm Advice and grant funding, Biological monitoring inc. Electro fishing and Invertebrates, Catchment Investigations and Management, Community and Partnership development plus conferences or presentations which allow us to meet others and share our ideas and knowledge. WRT has been able to build its influence locally and nationally.
But; you can’t beat good old fashioned local engagement – attending local shows and talking to people about what we do, why we are passionate about this and how we can help them or they can get involved. Its about grass-roots level work, linked to wider knowledge to maximise opportunities as a result for the environment, for society and to protect the landscapes we love. Coming from a farming background I am a strong supporter of this way of life, recognise its not easy and hope that through our work we can provide practical help but also looking to future ideas, which could mean alternative schemes tailored to local priorities with direct input from the farming sector. Sustainable use of our natural resources is an area of personal interest and is opening up partnerships across a number of sectors in our current work, which is encouraging to see. No longer a Junior Project Officer but Head of the Land Team in a Trust that now exceeds 45 staff!
So across the years, from highlights (Brazil!) to late nights (reports…) and still personally happiest out there getting dirty, WRT has provided the opportunity to meet an amazing bunch of people and visit stunning locations which just go to reinforce the need to protect all of this for the future.
Hi this sound interesting….first visit to the site. I enjoyed watching some of the films. Particurarly the Animations. I am a film producer and distributor working with University students in Cornwall and Devon and I want to make a short film about farming and water courses, around managing run offs etc. in North Devon. I then want to include the film in our rural film screening network as a short. I would really like to discuss the focus of your public messages right at the moment