riverfly2As part of the process of setting up a Riverfly Hub for Cornwall, Ben Fitch visited us to train WRT staff members to become Riverfly monitors. Some members of staff where further trained to become trainers, enabling the creation of a Cornwall based Riverfly Training Hub!

This hub will co-ordinate and train volunteers in the area in the simple monitoring techniques that provides a valuable insight into the health of our rivers. By training volunteers on how to take kick samples and upload their results to the national database, we can gain a broader understanding of our rivers functioning, as well as quickly flagging up any pollution incidents that may otherwise go undetected.

We will be setting up sites across our rivers shortly so people can start monitoring and reporting to the national database, keep checking back here for updates! For more volunteering opportunities with us, check out our Citizen Science page here.

To find out more about the Riverfly Initiative, view their website http://www.riverflies.org/