It’s that festive time of year again.
In the WRT office, the team are fitting in a few more days of river conservation before the Christmas break. Mince pies have been appearing in the kitchen, talk of tree decorations, present purchases and festive plans fills tea breaks and excitement for the week’s festivities is in the air.
Unfortunately, 2016 has yet to bring to the Westcountry the scenes of glistening snow that we see each day on the cards filtering through our letterboxes.
Elly Greenway
Evidence and Engagement Officer
Yet, snow or no snow, December has once again transformed the region into a winter wonderland.
Walking along the river, the rustic orange and browns of autumn leaves have given way to the bare branches of winter. The hint of frost has touched the grass along the banks, crunching ever so slightly underfoot. Robins dart from branch to branch along the path.
We may have lost those vibrant colours of autumn and the land is yet to be touched by the early spring blooms; but there is something special about the winter landscape. Something magic about that crisp air, the structures usually hidden by greenery, the shifts in wildlife as they head to their winter territories…
So this Christmas, between rounds of mulled wine and plates of Brussel sprouts, head out to your favourite river and soak in the fantastic winter scenes… before wrapping up, with a mince pie, beside the fire.
And have a wonderful Christmas!