Pilot Sites
About InnWater
InnWater is a European Horizon project where the Trust is working with partners from across Europe to explore water governance and how catchments and siloed water management systems can be better integrated.
Thirteen European project partners from six countries are supporting five pilots sites in Hungary, France, Italy, Spain and the Westcountry, UK. They will be testing and co-developing tailored, innovative and cross sector governance tools, methods and support in response to different water challenges.
Locally, this means uniting the Catchment Partnerships across the Westcountry and pulling together the data on water quality and quantity, including citizen science, in order to feed into various groups. These groups include the Local Nature Partnerships, the Regional Flood and Coastal Committees and the West Country Water Resource Group.
Project Objectives

The project, running from 2023 to 2026, has six objectives.
Our work within the project is focused on:
- Developing a regional grouping of Catchment Partnerships with the purpose of ensuring sufficient creation, assessment of water quantity data alongside management of water quality projects, especially at a catchment management scale.
- Coordinating Catchment Partnerships and data to mirror the area covered by the West Country Water Resources Group to ensure local deliver of water quality solutions linked to future resource availability. This will include increasing data through
Citizen Science.
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By providing new methods, tools, services and recommendations, we aim at delivering a water governance assessment matrix to ensure water systems sustainability and reduce water uses conflict due to climate change impact.

InnWater is funded by funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Research & Innovation programme and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee. It is coordinated by the International Office for Water (OiEau).
InnWater aims to promote social innovation to renew multi-level and cross sector water governance, associated with economic and financial mechanisms to support EU Green Deal transition while ensuring water systems sustainability.