Upcoming Events


Latest Past Events

Community Climate Resilience Drop-in

Whitchurch Village Hall Church Hill, Whitchurch

Would you like to help create local solutions to the impacts of climate change? Join us for a drop in session to learn more about the Upstream Thinking RRC project and how it can help your community be more climate resilient. Rapidly Responding Catchments, or RRCs, are quick draining catchment areas (under 10km²) where surface […]


Water for Growth Conference

Exeter Phoenix Gandy St, Exeter

Join us for a day of presentations, posters and networking opportunities to mark the culmination of the 5-year ‘Water for Growth’ project. The Westcountry Rivers Trust will be hosting a conference exploring the many benefits that blue space experiences provide, alongside discussing how we can utilise and protect our rivers by increasing responsible, safe access […]


Community Climate Resilience Drop-in

Walkhampton Memorial Hall Walkhampton

Would you like to help create local solutions to the impacts of climate change? Join us for a drop in session to learn more about the Upstream Thinking RRC project and how it can help your community be more climate resilient. Rapidly Responding Catchments, or RRCs, are quick draining catchment areas (under 10km²) where surface […]
