Upcoming Events


Outwintering cover crop trials

Blable Farm Blable Farm, Wadebridge

This Lottery-funded Farm Net Zero event is kindly being hosted by Mike and Sam Roberts at Blable Farm, Wadebridge (one of our Farm Net Zero demo farms). The field walk will look at the cover crop mixtures being trialled for outwintering cattle at Blable Farm, with discussions on their establishment and grazing management. Data will […]


‘Nature Based Solutions’ Webinar

Join Dr Sarah Ward from the Westcountry Rivers Trust in Webinar #8 of the RECLAIM network plus series. The RECLAIM (Reclaiming Forgotten Cities - Turning cities from vulnerable spaces to healthy places for people) network is a 'one-stop-shop’ for towns and cities to find the information and support you need to install green and blue […]

‘Food for Thought’ Film Screenings

Should we all be giving up meat and dairy if we’re to have a hope of avoiding dangerous climate breakdown? This is what the headlines seem to tell us. But […]

DiadESland: the serious game of the DiadES project

Rolle Plaza Marquee University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United Kingdom

Westcountry Rivers Trust representatives will be attending this interactive session aimed at sparking ideas on how to conserve diadromous fish populations, come along and play! DiadES is aimed at assessing and enhancing the ecosystem services (benefits to humans) provided by diadromous fish species (those that migrate from salt to fresh water) and develop policy recommendations […]


Community Climate Resilience Drop-in

Walkhampton Memorial Hall Walkhampton, United Kingdom

Would you like to help create local solutions to the impacts of climate change? Join us for a drop in session to learn more about the Upstream Thinking RRC project and how it can help your community be more climate resilient. Rapidly Responding Catchments, or RRCs, are quick draining catchment areas (under 10km²) where surface […]
