Understanding and conserving salmonid populations in a changing world, theoretical underpinnings and implementation.
- Speakers: Dr Bruce Stockley, Westcountry Rivers Trust & Professor Jamie Stevens, University of Exeter.
- Speakers Bio:
- Bruce Stockley is an applied river scientist who uses an evidence-based approach to conserve and restore the rivers of the South West of England. He has a background in fisheries genetics, morphological, molecular and paleontological approaches to the understanding of ecology and evolution. Bruce is currently Director of Operations at Westcountry Rivers Trust where scientific analysis, Natural Capital approaches and engagement with communities all form equal parts in the protection and reversal of environmental loss in rivers and landscapes of the Westcountry.
- Dr Jamie Stevens is a Professor in the Department of Biosciences at the University of Exeter. He is a molecular ecologist and evolutionary biologist, and his research focuses on the application of population genetics to explore questions in ecology, management and conservation. In 1998 he was awarded a Wellcome Trust Biodiversity Fellowship, whereupon he moved from Bristol to Exeter. Since then, his research has focused on the use of genetic methods to address applied questions in fish movement and dispersal, and he has led/co-led the genetic components of four major EU-funded projects developing genetic tracking of Atlantic salmon and sea trout. Most recently, he has expanded his work to explore connectivity and gene flow in a range of corals and marine invertebrates; the results of these studies feed into the design and designation of marine protected areas.
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