Upcoming Events
Join the Farm Net Zero team for an evening of discussions and practical activities, exploring the benefits of ponds for the environment.
Come along to the beautiful and productive Real Food Garden, near Wadebridge, to find out about how ponds are major carbon sinks, mitigating climate change as well as providing some of the most species rich habitat in the UK. Not enough space for a pond? How about a pocket wetland or rain garden, to soak up rainwater runoff and keep it out of sewers, while looking fabulous and supporting garden wildlife. We will also take a look at how wetlands can help treat nutrient pollution, keeping our rivers clean and healthy.
The session will include informative talks, discussions and a tour of the venue, alongside pond dipping and water sampling workshops.
Visit this link to reserve your free spot https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pond-dipping-workshop-tickets-574559080677.
Refreshments included.