Sniffing out weirs….

Sniffing out weirs….

On Monday 11th April 2016 a number of WRT fisheries staff plus Will Pelham, a Masters student form Plymouth University, undertook some in-house fish passage assessment training to help share good practice and develop their skills further. This training was related to...
Riverfly is coming to Cornwall!

Riverfly is coming to Cornwall!

As part of the process of setting up a Riverfly Hub for Cornwall, Ben Fitch visited us to train WRT staff members to become Riverfly monitors. Some members of staff where further trained to become trainers, enabling the creation of a Cornwall based Riverfly Training...
Why rivers matter to WRT

Why rivers matter to WRT

Last week at the Westcountry Rivers Trust we were celebrating UN World Water Day and a number of our team shared their thoughts on why rivers matter so much to them, both in and out of work. It is clear that rivers are so important for so many different reasons. They...
UN World Water Day

UN World Water Day

Every year the United Nations recognise today, the 22nd March, as World Water Day. This year the UN focus is on the theme of ‘Water and Jobs,’ the importance of which is laid wide open by the fact that almost half the global working population work in water related...
Starting life at the Westcountry Rivers Trust

Starting life at the Westcountry Rivers Trust

We all have a good understanding of the importance of our rivers in our landscapes and why we should work to maintain and restore them. However what exactly this involves is much less well known. In early November I headed to the UK’s most equatorial county to begin a...
Annual Review 2014

Annual Review 2014

Our 2014 Annual review is out and we are so proud of all we have accomplished! A busy year for us here at the Trust, 2014 also marked our 20th anniversary. This issue of Confluence focusses on our many achievements during 2014 as well as a nostalgic look back at the...