Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

It’s that festive time of year again. In the WRT office, the team are fitting in a few more days of river conservation before the Christmas break. Mince pies have been appearing in the kitchen, talk of tree decorations, present purchases and festive plans fills tea...
5 Westcountry Hidden Gems

5 Westcountry Hidden Gems

When it comes to river places, we all have our hidden gems. That babbling brook tucked behind your local corner shop, the tyre swing hanging above a glistening pool that you stumbled across one Sunday afternoon wandering along the riverbanks…or maybe that...
Salmon get new spawning grounds

Salmon get new spawning grounds

The Westcountry Rivers Trust is creating new salmon spawning habitats by adding gravel to rivers in Devon and West Somerset. Funded by South West Water, as part of the National Environment Programme, the project aims to increase the number of salmon and trout by...
Brent Island Family Fun Day

Brent Island Family Fun Day

On Saturday the 17th of September Westcountry Rivers Trust attended the Brent Island Trust’s family fun day. This event was on the back of their 25th anniversary event, again which was a huge success. We took along the education stand and got families Into the...
Riverfly training on the Tale

Riverfly training on the Tale

In September 2016 the Westcountry Rivers Trust ran a training workshop on the River Tale at Escot Park based on the “Riverfly” concept. This was on behalf of the River Otter Association’s anglers that have an aspiration to make a difference. This is citizen science...
A unique send off for a unique man

A unique send off for a unique man

On the 9th of September on a blustery Carlyon beach we said farewell in a unique way to a unique man. After listening to the words below we held hands for a Celtic blessing before a mad dash for the sea. Some braved the waves and went all the way in, some paddled in...